Thirst of night Wiki

Item Description Rubies
Blood Pact You can't initiate or be the subject of an attack/spy/curse for 12 hours starts after current marches/attacks conclude. 25
Completion Upgrade Used to upgarde a building to level 10. 40
Relocate Outpost Transport your outpost to another wasteland, that you own. Higher level wastelands allow for more wilds to be owned. 40
Random City Jump Relocate your city to a random location. 30
Fixed City Jump Relocate your city to a perferred location, this is done by clicking on a marsh in world view. 75
Lilith's Luck Token Use this token to play Lilith's Luck game. 5
Vengeance Increases troop attack by 20% for 24 hours. 10
Fortitude Increase troop deenses by 20% for 24 hours.

